Total Character Makeover (PC) Eine weitere PC -exklusive Mod, mit der ihr den Look von Skyrim auffrischen könnt, ist Total Character Makeover. of 102 - Total Character Makeover - posted in File topics: Hello,this mod looks really well madebut IMO I would believe that in a medieval fantasy world like skyrim, there would be mostly people that look dirty,not models,so basically can anyone tell me if there is a mod that changes the meshes of npcs, to make nobles,mages in the college of winterhold,jarls and those in high positions look clean like in this mod, but farmers,some followers/bodyguards, people who live in poor place. Unsure of why this happens! Otherwise, I can't.

My game is modded in other ways but nothing interferes with this mod at all. It's easy to ignore but still a little annoying. Those spots were not there beforehand and I never put on dirt, poor complexion, or war paint when creating characters. It's not just that they're unattractive, it's that they don't look much like people My one and ONLY complaint is that when my dragonborn became a vampire lord, her face and eyes looked great, BUT also looks like she has dirt speckled across her face. TOTAL CHARACTER MAKEOVER A COMPLETE CHARACTER APPEARANCE OVERHAULDESCRIPTIONI think we can all agree that vanilla Skyrim characters are are not very aesthetically pleasing. Total Character Makeover 1.2-.zip(Total Character Makeover 1.2)folder 219.1MB. Mod manager download Manual download Preview file contents. Extract to your Skyrim Special Edition Data folder. If you want vampires to look more like everyone else. Download speeds Total Character Makeover - Normal Vampire Faces. Total Character Makeover-5.zip(Total Character Makeover)folder 709.3MB.

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